Dir: Vincent Rodella
Prod: Birth TV Paris and Forever-Pictures London.

Europcar and Mercedes-Benz have joined forces to make those childhood dreams come true. Introducing the Carousel of Dreams, the very first carousel featuring top of the range Mercedes-Benz vehicles. 
The carousel was built to be used for a one-day event in the heart of the City of London where the public was invited to enjoy the carousel and be part of what was going to become the TV commercial and Photographic campaign.
This project was a real challenge from both a design and technical point of view. We wanted to create a light, smooth, dreamlike design which was a real challenge due to the scale of the carousel, the weight of the cars and the fact that the event was outdoors in a location where we had many restrictions in terms of build and strike.

We hired a big team for this project: craft artists to create the ethereal world of the balloons, a construction company that built the main carousel's structure, a German company that could provide us with the rotating platform, till specialise car drivers to help us with the cars weight, movement and display.